Часто студенты, имеющие большой объем знаний о грамматике и лексике изучаемого языка, не могут использовать его идиоматически, как это делают носители языка. Цель нашего проекта — создание нового технического средства обучения, которое решает как раз эту задачу: изучение сочетаемости слов. Основное внимание мы уделяем онлайн-сервису, который поощряет студентов к активному «исследованию» — к участию в процессе обучения, в отличие от более традиционного освоения языка через накопление пассивного знания. В этом контексте тип обучения, к которому мы стремимся, можно назвать «интерактивным». Проект CoCoCo основан на нескольких принципах:
- использование больших аннотированных корпусов русского языка;
- анализ сочетаний слов с использованием статистических методов (corpus-driven approach);
- создание удобной системы обучения, генерирующей ответы на индивидуальные запросы.
Данный ресурс был разработан исследовательской группой на базе Хельсинкского университета. Проект частично финансируется Национальным агентством образования Финляндии EDUFI.
Михаил Копотев, PhD, адъюнкт-профессор Отделения современных языков, Хельсинкский университет
Andrei Shepelev, MA, research assistant at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki
Roman Yangarber, PhD, researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
Daria Kormacheva, Doctoral student at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki
Lidia Pivovarova, Doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
Eduard Klyshinsky, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Maria Khokhlova, PhD, Associate Professor at Saint-Petersburg State University
Matthew Pierce, Master student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
Andrey Kutuzov, Doctoral student at University of Oslo
Elizaveta Kuzmenko, MA, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Natalia Kochetkova, Doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Ekaterina Nironen, MA student at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Liubov Ivanova, MA, research assistant, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Мы весьма признательный разработчикам Национального корпуса русского языка (в особенности Е. Рахилиной и О. Ляшевской и корпуса I-RU (в особенности С. Шарову) за предоставленные нам данные. Все права на исходные данные принадлежат их владельцам.
Связаться с нами можно по адресу mihail dot kopotev at helsinki dot
We often see students who have a great deal of knowledge about the
language on the theoretical level, but are unable to use it
idiomatically, in a way native speakers can do. Instructors teaching a
foreign language are regularly asked how words co-occur. Thus, our
goal is to create a technological solution that answers these
questions and revolutionizes learning of a foreign language (Russian
in the case). The primary focus is on providing web-based tools that
stimulate active, participatory learning as opposed to more
traditional ways of absorptive learning, which results in accumulation
of passive knowledge. In this case, students are simply incapable of
utilizing the acquired knowledge and skills in their real life. Taking
this issue into account, we refer to our target mode of learning as
“inter-active learning”. To be more precise, the CoCoCo project
encompasses several directions:
utilizing large-scale annotated corpora of the Russian language;
analysis word co-occurrences using statistic methods and
corpus-driven approach;
building user-friendly system that generates answers on demand.
This resource is developed by the research group based at the
University of Helsinki. The CoCoCo project is partially financed by
the Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI.
Mikhail Kopotev, PhD, Associate Professor of Modern Languages,
University of Helsinki.
Andrei Shepelev, MA, research assistant at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki
Roman Yangarber, PhD, researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
Daria Kormacheva, Doctoral student at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki
Lidia Pivovarova, Doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
Eduard Klyshinsky, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Maria Khokhlova, PhD, Associate Professor at Saint-Petersburg State University
Matthew Pierce, Master student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
Andrey Kutuzov, Doctoral student at University of Oslo
Elizaveta Kuzmenko, MA, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Natalia Kochetkova, Doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Ekaterina Nironen, MA student at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Liubov Ivanova, MA, research assistant, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
We are grateful to the developers of the Russian National Corpus (especially E. Rakhilina and O. Lyashevskaya) and I-RU corpus (especially S. Sharoff) for providing us with the data. All rights to the original data belong to the holders.
Feel free to write us at mihail dot kopotev at helsinki dot fi. We are
always glad to receive comments and suggestions regarding improvement
of the project.